Saturday, August 26, 2006

Fried Taukwa and Preserved Radish, Celery and Sugar


  • 2 big pieces of taukwa
  • 50 gms preserved radish (chai por)
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves
  • Sugar 2 big tablespoonfuls or more
  • Celery leaves 30-40 gms
  • 5-6 tablespoons of oil


  • Cut taukwa into oblong strips.
  • Radish cut into thick strips (wash out excess salt).
  • Chop garlic and cut celery into inch long.
  • Gently pan fry the taukwa on all sides with oil. Remove and set aside.
  • Add in the radish and fry for a few minutes then add chopped garlic, fry until lightly brown.
  • Add the fried taukwa, stir to combine. Add in sugar and stir gently add 2 tbls of water and the celery.
  • Stir to combine then dish out to serve with porridge or white rice. Delicious!

Oh Ku Kueh


  • Glutinous rice flour - 300 gms (50 gms extra for dusting)
  • Sugar 60 gms
  • Hiah leaves 100gms (boil and pounded)
  • Banana leaves 20 pcs cut into squares (wash and brush with oil)
  • Boiling water 200~225mls

Filling A:

  • Split green bean 250 gms (wash and soak for 3 hours). Drain and steam till soft.
  • Old ginger 100 gms (pounded). Mash it all up and fry in low heat.
  • Salt 2 tspsful heat with the ginger and salt.

Filling B:

  • Bangkwang 500 gms (cut into strips). Use 3 tblsful of oil fry garlic till fragrant.
  • Dried prawns 100 gms (chopped). Add dried prawns, fry then add the pepper 1 tpsful or more bangkwang. Add salt and pepper.
  • Salt 2 tspsful or more.
  • Garlic 6-8 cloves (chopped).
  • Put flour into big container.
  • Make a hole in the middle and add the boiling water. Stir gently till it thickens, add the pounded leaves and sugar.
  • Knead till all combine. Use the extra flour for dusting.
  • Take a small portion of dough, make a hole in the middle and spread out the edges . Put 2 tbls of fillings and wrap up.
  • Press into mould, knock out and put on the leaf to steam for about 8 -10 mins.
  • Brush with a little oil before steaming. For wooden mould dust with flour. For plastic mould brush with oil.