Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Teochew Glutinous Rice Kueh

Ingredients for filling:

  • Glutinous Rice 500 gms
  • Dried Mushrooms 100 gms, soaked and diced
  • Dried Prawns 60 gms, soaked and chopped coarsely
  • Fried Peanuts 100 gms (optional)
  • Shallot and Garlic 2 tbls each
  • Belly Pork boiled and sliced into strips


  • Soak glutinous rice for 2 hours. Drain and steam for 30 minutes. Then add 200ml of hot water over the rice and steam for further 29 minutes. Separate the rice with chopstick.
  • Next, fry the shallot and garlic in 5 tbls of oil, add in the dried prawns, mushroom and belly pork.
  • Add salt (2tsp), sugar (1tsp), pepper (2tsp) and some soya sauce to taste.
  • Lastly, add in the fried peanut and turn off the heat. Leave to cool.
Ingredients for skin:
  • Rice flour 450gms
  • Salt 2tsps
  • Boiling water 700ml
  • Wheat starch (tang flour) 6tbls
  • Corn starch 4tbls
  • Oil 8 tbls
  • Mix the rice flour with salt. Add into the boiling water, stir till cooked.
  • Add in the rest of the ingredients, knead till smooth.
  • Roll and cut into small portion.
  • Flatten dough and wrap with the prepared filings.
  • Press into the peach mold, then steam for 10 minutes on high.
  • Remove and brush with a little oil.