Saturday, September 23, 2006

Hae Piah Ji (Deep Fried Prawn Fritters)


  • Batter - Plain flour 500 gms
  • Bean sprouts (Tau Geh) palm size grasp (use 2/3 of 20cts)
  • Bangkwang 1/2 of medium size (shredded)
  • Onions 1 red medium size (shredded)
  • Salt 2 tspsful
  • Ajinomoto (optional)
  • Water add enough to make a smooth batter
  • Small white prawns 150 gms or more (wash and leave the shell on, pat dry)


  • Add water slowly to make a thick batter. Slowly add in the rest of the ingredients except the prawns.
  • Heat the oil till hot, put in the ladle to heat, remove and put a small amount on to the ladle, spread it out and put a few pieces of prawns on top, put it back into the hot oil to deep fry for a few mins before it comes loose.
  • Fry till golden brown. Remove, cut up and serve with the special homemade chilli sauce.
  • *May also deep fry Tau Kwa and squid. Cut up some cucumber to go with it as well.

Ingredients for Chilli Peanut Sauce:

  • Assam paste 150 gms (take 1/2 of a small pack)
  • Water 3 cups (mix with water to extract juice)
  • Roasted peanuts 300 gms
  • Sesame seeds 50 gms
  • Chilli boh 50cts
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves (pounded)
  • Ginger 2-3 cm (pounded)
  • Sugar (according to your own taste)
  • Cornstarch 2 tsps mix with a little water


  • Bring water and assam juice to a boil.
  • Add in the rest of ingredients. Stir till all combine, add the cornstarch to thicken.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Braised Hokkien Noodle


  • Hokkien yellow noodle 500 gms
  • Chinese Wongbok 5 big leaves
  • Chinese mushroom 4 pcs
  • Prawns 8 pcs
  • Fish cake 1 pc
  • Pork or chicken few slices (optional)
  • Celery and spring onions 4 stalks each
  • Garlic 4 cloves (chopped)
  • Chicken broth 1 ½ bowl
  • Cornstarch 1 tbls mixed with a little water
  • Carrots few slices


  • Wash and cut all the ingredients.
  • Heat up 3 tbls of oil. Fry the garlic till fragrant.
  • Add in the mushroom, wongbok and carrots.
  • Put in the water or broth, bring to a boil then add the meat, prawns, fish cake, lastly add the noodle (rinsed in cold water).
  • Add salt to taste and the cornstarch. Braise for 1 min.
  • Dish and serve with the chopped spring onions.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Jiao-wan Steam Boat

All time favourite for the Chinese New Year. But be prepared to sweat it out in the kitchen for hours. Use the steamboat to have this dish so it really piping hot. Also to get the soup base boil a lot of chicken bones, and add in the chinese Wongbok (pek chai).

Please refer to step by step recipes for the various dishes featured below.

Ngo Hiang (Bak Gne)


  • Belly pork 600 gms
  • Prawns 120 gms
  • Dried Prawns 30 gms
  • Spring Onions 15 gms
  • Five Spice Power 1/2 tsp
  • Egg 1/2
  • Plain Flour 2 tbls
  • Salt 2 tsp
  • Bean Sheet 1pc


  • Remove the skin on the pork, partially freeze the whole piece of meat for easy slicing. Cut into very thin strips.
  • Mince the prawns and chop up the dried prawns. Put all into a big pot.
  • Add the chopped spring onions, five spice, salt, egg, and plain flour. Combine well and set aside.
  • Cut bean sheet into 8 equals in length. Wipe with wet towel to remove excess salt. Put a small handful of the mixture on the sheet and roll up. Continue till all done.
  • Heat up enough oil to deep dry. Cut into bite sizes before deep frying. Fry till golden brown.
  • *May deep dry whole roll. Cut and serve with plum sauce (mui cheo).

Mince Pork with Ginger Egg Roll


  • Mince pork 600 gms
  • Eggs (4 big eggs)
  • Ginger 50 gms (chopped finely)
  • Salt 2 tspsful
  • Water 2 tblsful
  • Dried mushroom 10 pieces


  • Beat up eggs gently with the water. Put through the strainer.
  • Using non stick pan rub a little oil with paper towel. Medium heat pour enough egg mixture into the pan. Swirl around to make a thin omelette. Remove and continue for the rest.
  • Mix the mince meat and the chopped ginger,salt with a little egg. Combine and lift up handfuls to hit back for about 5 mins.
  • Wrap in the egg sheets, roll and then steam at medium heat for about 15 mins.
  • Cool and cut into bite sizes for the steamboat. Also soaked the mushroom, clean and dry, cut into 1/2 and put a little meat mixture into it and steam as like the egg roll.

Hae Choh (Prawn Balls)


  • Prawns 2kg
  • Pork Lard 100 gms
  • Salt 4 Tsps


  • Clean up prawns and peeled. Pat dry with paper towel or spread out to fan dry. Make sure the prawns is very dry to have good result. Mince in an electric mincers.
  • Also mince the pork lard. May omit the lard for healthier reason but the taste and texture may not be as authentic like my grandma used to make.
  • Put all into a big container, add salt. Combine and lift up handfuls of mixture, hit back into the mixture for number of times to creat springy texture.
  • Heat up enough oil to deep fry. At medium heat, make prawns balls by holding a handful of mixture and squeeze out between the thumb and pointer. Scoop it out with a spoon soaked in water to prevent sticking. Deep fry and keep stirring with the back of the ladle to make it round.
  • Remove when it is golden brown. Cool and use it steamboat, maggie mee, mee hoon soup etc. Happy cooking!

Chap Chye (Mix Vegetables)


  • Cabbage 300gms
  • Dried mushroom 30gms
  • Wood ears (Bok Gne) 20gms
  • Dried lily flower (Kim Chiam) 25gms
  • Bean Stick (Tau Kee) 30 gms
  • Tang Hoon 40gms
  • Salted yellow bean (Tau Cheo) 6 tbls mashed
  • Garlic 10 cloves (chopped)
  • Water 3 bowls
  • Dark soya sauce 2 tblsful
  • Belly pork 200 gms (*May omit belly pork for vegetarian)


  • Wash and tear the cabbage into big pieces.
  • Soak the mushroom, woodears, lily flower, bean stick and tang hoon separately.
  • Drain the tanghoon and leave it aside. Clean and cut the mushroom into big pieces. Tie a knot on the lily flower. Cut bean stick into 8cm long.
  • Wash and clean the woodears.
  • Use 6-8 tbls of oil. Fry the garlic till brown.
  • Add the taucheo to fry till fragrant.
  • Next add the mushroom then the belly pork.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients, stir well to combine then add the dark soya sauce.
  • Add in the water. Stir and allow to simmer till tender with low fire. May add msg and salt to taste. Lastly add in the tanghoon.