Saturday, September 23, 2006

Hae Piah Ji (Deep Fried Prawn Fritters)


  • Batter - Plain flour 500 gms
  • Bean sprouts (Tau Geh) palm size grasp (use 2/3 of 20cts)
  • Bangkwang 1/2 of medium size (shredded)
  • Onions 1 red medium size (shredded)
  • Salt 2 tspsful
  • Ajinomoto (optional)
  • Water add enough to make a smooth batter
  • Small white prawns 150 gms or more (wash and leave the shell on, pat dry)


  • Add water slowly to make a thick batter. Slowly add in the rest of the ingredients except the prawns.
  • Heat the oil till hot, put in the ladle to heat, remove and put a small amount on to the ladle, spread it out and put a few pieces of prawns on top, put it back into the hot oil to deep fry for a few mins before it comes loose.
  • Fry till golden brown. Remove, cut up and serve with the special homemade chilli sauce.
  • *May also deep fry Tau Kwa and squid. Cut up some cucumber to go with it as well.

Ingredients for Chilli Peanut Sauce:

  • Assam paste 150 gms (take 1/2 of a small pack)
  • Water 3 cups (mix with water to extract juice)
  • Roasted peanuts 300 gms
  • Sesame seeds 50 gms
  • Chilli boh 50cts
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves (pounded)
  • Ginger 2-3 cm (pounded)
  • Sugar (according to your own taste)
  • Cornstarch 2 tsps mix with a little water


  • Bring water and assam juice to a boil.
  • Add in the rest of ingredients. Stir till all combine, add the cornstarch to thicken.

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